MBA-Organizational Leadership
Develop expertise in strategic leadership and organizational alignment to become a more effective catalyst for change.
Build and refine your problem-solving and decision making skills to set research-backed change initiatives and achieve organizational goals.
Let your MHA-Organizational Leadership empower you to create an evidence-based, cooperative workplace.
How many courses are in the program?
Nine, 6-week classes
How quickly can I complete the program?
14 months
Enhance your effectiveness in public administration by developing your authentic leadership style.
Cultivate skills in managing people and change, as well as fostering innovation.
Put your MPA-Organizational Leadership to motivate teams to make a difference.
How many courses are in the program?
Nine, 6-week classes
How quickly can I complete the program?
14 months
Compliment business knowledge with courses in leadership theory, change management and managerial psychology.
Hone leadership skills that help individuals align their personal and organizational purposes to achieve results.
Use your MBA-Organizational Leadership to create and sustain a high-performance culture.
How many courses are in the program?
Nine, 6-week classes
How quickly can I complete the program?
12 months